Monday, November 4, 2013

My Top 3 Additions For Pinterest 2.0

I'm using Pinterest more and more these days, but I wish it had a few more bells and whistles.

If I were in charge: 

Here are my top 3 additions I would make to the next version of Pinterest.

1. A Stream Filter for Categories or Boards.

One thing that needs to be modified is the Pinterest Stream. Many users of this new form of visual journalism, like me, end up Following a multitude of Boards for their variety of interests.  The downside to this is a main Pinterest stream of an eclectic nature.  This varying stream of Pins seems to have many bundles of disjointed interests, all grouped together by author or Pinner (probably due to the time they were Pinned), making it very difficult to view the totality of your interest without a large amount of scroll-roll as I like to describe it.

Pinterest might take a page from the Google Plus playbook; when you're in a Google+ community, your stream is composed of only posts from that community.  Pinterest translation: when I'm looking for Social Media, I want to filter out my Travel, Food & Wine, Fashion, that sort of thing. Additionally, I don't want to see everyone's Social Media, only the one's I'm Following.  Please!

2. Bookmarking other Boards or Board owners I view a lot.

I have several clients that have made the move to Pinterest, and many times I want to check their specific Boards. Presently, I'm doing a search for their company or individual name.  Then I must find the Boards I'm interested in, and then click on those Boards to view them.  (Many people have their business and personal Boards jumbled together.)

I would like a method of Bookmarking Boards and/or Board Owners or something similar so I can come right back to it with one click of the mouse or tap on my Android.

3. Direct Messaging or private email connection to contact Board Owners.  Google Plus has this, Twitter has this, Pinterest needs this.

OK, there are three very good additions to the next version of Pinterest.  What do you think?  Any other additions you would like to make?