Monday, August 12, 2013

Good Ideas - Snowball

I was checking my Google Plus stream this morning when one of the people I follow Christine DeGraff had a post regarding Following Google-Plussers on Twitter.  Well, needless to say everyone jumped in and all of a sudden everyone's Twitter Followings jumped this morning.  This is an example of a smart person realizing she wasn't using her Twitter feed enough and coming up with a great way to not only increase her Followers, but get back to using Twitter again.  The effect of everyone else jumping in was tremendous, within minutes my other Twitter feeds were drowned out by all the new feed from Google-Plussers.  Thank You Christine DeGraff (Follow her @ChrisDegraff) for a wonderful idea to increase everyone's exposure on social media.  You really should be on Google+; there are many more like Chris on this network with great ideas.

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