Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Is Twitter Becoming the Next Big ECommerce Platform?

With Twitter's 2014 IPO looming, many in the industry are speculating as to what will happen to this Social Media network staple.  Regardless if it becomes a subscription service or maintains its free-to-use status, this social media platform has its best years ahead of it.  Its streamline efficiency and quick learning curve give most users the ability to be up to speed in days - if not hours. 

When I look at Twitter, I see a network platform with a great infrastructure.  Much like the railroads of the mid 1800's delivering raw materials during the Industrial Revolution, Twitter delivers information quickly and easily in this new Information Era.  With its packets full of #Hashtags, images and URL shortened links; Twitter can deliver your information across the country or across the planet in seconds.

As more and more Social Media Followers are marketed to by savvy corporations ever increasing use of Image Branding, Content Management and Click-n-Buy campaigns; Twitter is strategically positioned for an evolution into the next big ECommerce platform.  Sites like Twubs and Triberr are already acting as Value-Adds to the Twitter infrastructure, using #Hashtags to filter out unwanted clutter and deliver search engine like results through specialty front-end viewers.

Whenever a great highway is built, the billboards soon follow; and Twitter will be no exception.  It's already a great advertising tool even if it is currently under-utilized by most of today's businesses.  Where else can you advertise everything about your business, products and services world-wide for free?  Yes, it takes a little work to build a following, and a commitment to ensure your content is interesting and inviting; but when your world-wide social media presence and reputation is in full view, work and commitment are small costs of doing business that most business owners would gladly invest.

So, what's next in the evolution of Twitter?  Twitter Cards add the ability to bring content-rich media into full view with just one click and paid Promoted Tweets are extremely effective in marketing; a combination of the two would make a very powerful marketing campaign tool.  Remember, social media is the most powerful tool for targeted marketing the world has ever known and we are in the beginning of this revolutionary new way of communication and advertising.

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