Monday, October 28, 2013

Pinterest - A Picture Is Worth A Thousand Words

Is Pinterest The Next Social Media Juggernaut? 

I'm a Big fan of Pinterest, let's just get that said right out of the gate.  I currently use: Google+, Twitter, Facebook, Blogger, YouTube, Yahoo, Tumblr, Flipboard and Pinterest as my social media networking platforms; and I use many other tools like HootSuite, Twubs and Ghostery to enhance my daily experience on these sites.  Having said that, you get a pretty good picture of my continued exposure to the cornucopia of different methods, looks and interfaces these sites present to their users.

The current Big Three (as I call them); Google+, Twitter and Facebook seem to have things well-in-hand to remain at the top of the Social Media elite.  Each one jostling to be the Top Dog of one category or another and requiring users to Circle (or +1), Follow or Like me to build a following.  Next, you have the second-tier social media platforms like Tumblr and Instagram each have their dedicated following; users of these platforms typically going for something a little more quick post and less structured.  It's this category I would place Pinterest in.

Pinterest is very easy to get started on, and even easier to use. All you have to do is find something visual you like, click the Pinterest Button (I use the Chrome Extension so it's always there), tell Pinterest which board (think of the Boards as categories) you want to post to and you can even Tweet it or Like it on Facebook.  Vola', you're done.  Easy as 1-2-3!

This can get very addicting.  You'll want to Pin everything you find on the Internet that you like (that's why everyone has multiple Boards - just to keep their stuff organized).  And as easy as it is to Pin something on your Board, it's just as easy to find content on other Boards that you like.  Click Follow and it's all added to your Pinterest Stream.

I've been in this business for awhile, and every now and then you come across something you know is going to be a Big success. Pinterest is going to be a big success.  This is a marketers dream platform, and eCommerce can be adapted to this so if you see something you like; click and purchase it without going anywhere else.  Pinterest, give it a try.  I think it will be something you stay with and incorporated into your social media strategy.  I would love to see a marriage of Pinterest and Flipboard.

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