Friday, October 18, 2013

Website or Blog?

Should I have a website or should I blog?  

I get asked this question a lot.  The answer may be a lot different for you than it is for me.  First, let's look at the two forms of social media communication at their basics.  A Website is for the most part - a passive entity.  By this I mean it generally is planned, designed, constructed and publish online for the long haul with very little change on a weekly or monthly basis (sometimes never - unfortunately).  The Blog on the other hand is an active entity.  It may evolve daily more than be planned, and information, media and ads could be added hourly.  Blogs tend to solicit interaction with the page-viewer via a comment, re-post, Tweet or some other reaction; whereas a website is used to set your Image Branding, tell your story, sell your products/services and drive page-viewers to other content on your linked sites.

What's the BIG difference?

A Website is usually used as a mothership for your business or professional online presence setting your Image Branding, containing your company and team information, available products and services offered.  In many cases, the website will have multiple forms of contact information (phone, address, email etc.) as well as links to all of your social media and online sites.  Additionally, the website is usually feature and content rich with slideshow, video and/or giff media presented in an attractive and enticing manor hoping to ensuring many happy page-viewers will share your site.  And lastly, a website generally has better forms of Search Engine Optimization and analytic data collection.

A Blog is usually thought of as a mouth-piece for communicating to the online world your particular thoughts, daily or weekly activities, post from like-minded colleagues, articles of relative interest and whatever strikes your fancy. Blogs can be basic almost raw in form and function or they can be as elaborate as a well-designed website with feature and content rich posts.  Blogs can also give analytic data similar to websites and have multiple links to other blogs, guess author's posts, social media sites and advertising.

So, which one is right for me?

If you are a business in the classical sense, you should have a website.  If you sell multiple products and/or services you should have a website, and you may want to seriously look at an eCommerce site for additional online sales.  Blogs seam to be the go-to medium for journalist, authors, travel pro's and professionals who's writing skills and content are their form of advertising. The best advise I can give you is: If you have something to say rather than sell; choose a blog.  

Many business's choose both.  They have a website for their business information, sales and services, and they use a blog to interact more with their customers and potential customers as well as the general public.  Either way to ensure your online presence and reputation stays positive, you must put the time and effort into to your website and/or blog.  Remember, quality over quantity, never be negative, share other's posts & content and reply to all positive posts and comments.  Do that and you will be successful with either form of communication you choose.

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